Craft Overload

Some days I have a lot of drive. I try to take advantage of those days as best I can. Yesterday was such a day.

I started by finishing this flower. I’ve worked with a lot of plastic canvas, but never the ones that were made into shapes like this one. My plastic canvas days were before we had “actual” circles, flowers or butterfly shapes. Just holes in squares. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to complete the “petals” of the flower. This stitch doesn’t quite do what I wanted. Room for improvement.

My package came with a pair of “snip” scissors, I call them. They don’t have a sheath, so I created one using the heart shaped plastic canvas, folded in half and stitched up the side. Now I can reach into my box and not worry about slicing my fingers.

For my next trick, I baked marbles. Since I lost my marbles long ago (insert laughter), I decided to bake some. I put these in the oven for about 30 minutes on 375. When you pull them out, immediately put into an ice bath and they will crack. I plan on using them in future decorations with plaster of paris. The pictures below show them after cracking. Some have more crackle than others. Be careful and wear safety glasses. You don’t want a shard of glass in your eye. They also will break if you drop them on ceramic tile. Don’t ask how I know that. 🙂

This is a before and after picture of the marbles. The bigger ones aren’t round, I think they’re shaped more like cabochons, flat on the bottom, round on the top.

Then comes lunch, and my son came home. This is usually the time of day when my morning energy disappears into the unknown to return another day. But not today.

After putzing around on my computer and doing some chores for the next hour or two, I was still needing to do something. My online buddy says “Time for more plastic canvas”. So I made this

And that was my “busy” day. I hope you had a great day. ❤

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